Watch the movie Shrek The Third online

Seems like everybody lookign for shrek 3 the movies online.
I keep receiving question like "anyone know were i could watch shrek third online"

Look, you can watch Shrek The Third online at the Shrek The Third site - video has been published there for quite a long time by now.

New Shrek The Third Game: "Ogre The River"

shrek the third game ogre the river

New Shrek 3 games keep coming, and today I spotted at AOL site new Shrek The Third game - this time they suggest you test your logic puzzle skills in "Ogre The River". Cool.

Description off the site:
Shrek, Fiona, Artie, Donkey, Puss and Queen Lillian have spent the day touring the kingdom.Now they're lost, stuck on the worng side of the river, and can only get across on a wooden raft two at a time. The problem is that everyone's a little cranky and so only certain combinations of pairs can travel together on the wooden raft. In this logic based puzzle Shrek The Third game, help them get across the river so they can get back to the castle.

And here is secret tip for Ogre The River game:
The minimum number of moves to complete the game is 9.
